Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It Used to Be Enough...

Prayer has always been foundational at The Pursuit. When we started meeting in our house, I thought it would be cool to pray every week for every person that was coming. When I would meet someone that I invited or with whom I began a relationship, I would add their name to the excel spreadsheet. As we grew, I just never felt like it was okay to stop that practice. Now that excel spreadsheet has 866 households. The elders all share the load, but everyone still gets prayed for every week.

I've often wondered how much less God would have done here if we hadn't bothered to pray the way we do? But I don't think that the way we have prayed in the past is going to be enough for what we are asking God to do in the future. We need to pray more. We need to express our dependence on God more.

I am excited to preach on prayer for two weeks starting May 31. I don't want people to ever think that God did what He did at The Pursuit because of our talents and abilities. I want it to be an obvious work of the Holy Spirit. We're starting something new in a few weeks. God First Fridays. I can't wait.


  1. sounds interesting! God first fridays??? going to give any hints?

    and yes, prayer is so foundational. that is awesome that you still pray for all the households.

    and paul, it does show that God is doing something ... and not mans talent and energies. i've been in those churches that is based on talents and skills. there is no comparison!

    keep it up. God is with you!

  2. I had no idea that every family gets prayed for every week! Wow, that is an amazing feeling! Thank you so, so, so much! We believe we belong to an awesome church, and this confirms it even more.
