Monday, June 15, 2009

The Gift of Evangelism...

I never thought I had it. In fact, I was pretty sure I didn't. God never seemed to use me to bring people across the line of faith. It is actually somewhat comical to me that people seem to give their lives to Jesus after they leave our services, not during it in response to something I say. I finally figured out that evangelism isn't just "closing the deal" so-to-speak, but it is any conversation or action that brings people a step closer to Jesus. I do have the gift of evangelism. God uses me to create space and opportunity for people to move closer and closer to a decision to follow Christ. It is rare for me to be a part of someone actually crossing the line, but I am grateful to play the part that I play.

My wife Angela, on the other hand, should be nicknamed "The Closer." Since we moved here to Boise, she has been able to walk with many as they get closer to that point and then be there to lead them in prayer as they turn their lives over to Jesus. She was able to pray with another one of our neighbors this past Thursday (listen to The Pursuit Podcast "Wake Up the World - Part 1" to hear the story. Keep a tissue close by!). The way God uses Angela is nothing short of amazing. But God doesn't always use her in the same way either. It is as if God is reminding each of us that it is all Him.

We were awakened by a phone call at midnight last night. Another girl that Angela has been pursuing and for whom we have all been faithfully praying crossed the line of faith last night! It was truly the perfect end to a perfect day. God used Angela's recent friendship and my message on Sunday to ready her and then prompted another staff member at The Pursuit to invite her out to talk after service where she prayed to receive Jesus as her Forgiver and Leader. There was another party in heaven for someone for whom we have been praying!

I don't care which part I play, whether it is a first, middle or final link in the chain that brings someone to Jesus. I just know I want to play a part. Any part. I just want God to use me.


  1. Extremely well said, my friend.

  2. You definately have the gift of evangelism and it is contagious. My husband and I have come three times and we already feel comfortable and we feel like the spirit is moving and changing people through your ministry! It is great to see your heart being changed as you study for your message and your honesty.

  3. I used to care which part I played; not anymore. I'm with you on this one, buddy.

  4. Actually, that comment was from me, not Michele. I accidentally signed in under her name. =)
