Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't Give Up...

I am so saddened to read the story online of a capsized boat off the coast of Florida with four athletes on board. I am sure that most of you have heard at least something of this tragedy. One was miraculously rescued while three lost their lives. The waters were a chilly 63 degrees. All four were wearing life jackets. The waves kept coming. Eventually one gave up and removed his life jacket, allowing himself to be swept away. Soon another followed his friend, a victim of a relentless attack and dwindling hope. The third, likely disillusioned by hypothermia, believed he could swim to safety.

I don't know what you are going through right now, but the trials on this earth are indeed heavy. So many are currently living under an onslaught of waves, or better said, an onslaught of flaming arrows of the evil one. He is relentless and he wants you to give up hope and be swept away. Even though you may be in the valley of the shadow of death, remember who is with you. Keep your life jacket on. Keep clinging to the vessel that can save you. Rescue is coming!

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